Matteo Bortoletto

Matteo Bortoletto

PhD Candidate, University of Stuttgart


I am a PhD Student in Computer Science at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, advised by Prof. Andreas Bulling. My research focuses on computational theory of mind, with a specific emphasis on deep learning approaches. In my work, I design and assess innovative AI models for theory of mind tasks that span multiple modalities, including vision and natural language. My ultimate goal is to improve human-AI collaboration.

I hold a BSc and a MSc degree in Physics. During my studies I focused on theoretical physics, in particular theoretical ecology and neuroscience.



These days I'm especially interested in:

I maintain a page where I summarize every new paper involving theory of mind and LLMs.


  1. C Ruhdorfer, M Bortoletto, A Penzkofer, A Bulling "The Overcooked Generalisation Challenge." Preprint, 2024
  2. M Bortoletto, C Ruhdorfer, L Shi, A Bulling "Benchmarking Mental State Representations in Language Models." ICML Workshop on Mechanistic Interpretability, 2024
  3. M Bortoletto, C Ruhdorfer, A Abdessaied, L Shi, A Bulling "Limits of Theory of Mind Modelling in Dialogue-Based Collaborative Plan Acquisition." ACL, 2024
  4. M Bortoletto, L Shi, A Bulling "Neural Reasoning about Agents' Goals, Preferences, and Actions." AAAI, 2024
  5. E Sood, L Shi, M Bortoletto, Y Wang, P Müller, A Bulling "Improving Neural Saliency Prediction with a Cognitive Model of Human Visual Attention." CogSci, 2023
  6. G Zhang, M Bortoletto, Z Hu, L Shi, M Bâce, A Bulling "Exploring Natural Language Processing Methods for Interactive Behaviour Modelling." INTERACT, 2023


I regularly supervise Master and Bachelor theses. If you have an idea for your thesis, feel free to contact me. If you are looking for available projects, check if there are Open Thesis Projects here.

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